Methodist Messenger: September 2019

Pastor’s message:

The summer seemed to fly by, and now we are beginning to settle back in to our regular routine involvements and activities.  Let me bring you up-to-date on some new things that will be happening this fall.  Beginning Wednesday, September 11, our church will be hosting weekly AL-ANON meetings from noon to 1 pm in the Fireside Room.  AL-ANON is a part of the Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship that was created to be a supportive community to relatives and friends impacted by loved ones with addictions.  This group is open to anyone and is not affiliated with any political group or religious organization.  A light lunch will be provided.  If anyone would like to help provide a light meal at any one of the meetings, please let me know.  It would be a wonderful ministry to this group.

Choir will be starting up on Monday, September the 9th at 7 pm.  I personally can’t wait to see what our amazing choir director, Wendy Lindsley, will bring to our worship experience!  I hear she’s got some great music planned!

And, speaking of music, our church will be hosting a 5th Sunday Hymn Sing on the 29th of September at 3 pm.  Area churches have been invited to join us as we lift our songs of praise to the Lord!  If you have a special you would like to do, be sure to let Rose know, so she can include you in the bulletin.

Our fellowship group continues to meet each Tuesday morning at 10 am at the Gallery!  There is never a dull moment with this group!  Not only do they solve the world’s problems, but they do with a great deal of laughter and sharing, and all in an hour’s time!  AMAZING!  There is always room for more with this group!  Come and check us out!

I will be leading a Bible Study group on Wednesday mornings at 10 (with exceptions of when UMW meets), beginning September 18.  We will begin with a book by Max Lucado that will be appropriate for Advent preparations.  I will have several copies available for people to borrow, but having the book is not necessary; we will read it during the study. But everyone will want to bring your own personal, favorite Bible, and favorite translation, the more different translations the better!  This will be a fun, lighthearted study and a time of personal reflection and sharing.  The study will last approximately 1 hour.

Lastly, I want to give out Kudos to many people in the church who have organized and kept things running smoothly this summer, while I have been getting acclimated to a new wonderful church family!  Linda Johns and team who have kept the Children’s Church going all summer; Lenora Gregg, who has made sure that we have had pianists play for worship;  Jerry Zumalt, Jane Spencer and Sharon Cox who have managed the finances and paid the bills; the numerous members of the church who WOWED the community again this summer with their delicious Strawberry Shortcake in the park for Border Days; Jane Carlson and team who did some great work in the parsonage, and secured good renters!  Our Rose Mangini who keeps the office running smoothly and answers my many questions and anticipates my needs before I even ask!  There are many more I’m sure that I have failed to mention, but let me just say that you are all an amazing group of people, and I am so blessed to be a part of you!  Feel free to stop in and visit or give me a call so that we can get better acquainted!

Blessings and grace to you!    Rev. Luann

Join the choir! Our church choir will be starting to practice special music on Monday nights, starting on September 9, at 7:00 pm, in the choir room. Wendy Lindsley, our director, will have lots of music for us to learn for Advent season and other times. All are welcome!!

Do you live with the pain and heartache of a loved one who is dealing with addiction to alcohol or drugs? If so, find the help and support you need through AL-ANON. Al-Anon is a support group made up of relatives and friends of alcoholics or drug abusers who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems and better understand the issues of addiction and the difficulties faced by the people who love them. All information shared will be kept confidential, and participants will remain anonymous.

An Al-Anon Group is being organized in the Grangeville area and will meet weekly on Wednesdays, from Noon — 1:00 pm, at our church, beginning Wednesday, September 11.

There are no dues for membership, and there is no cost for participation. A free light lunch will be provided for participants.

Al-Anon is not affiliated with any religious sect, denomination or political group. Al-Anon has but one purpose, and that is to help the families of those dealing with addictions of any kind.

For more information, contact: Rev. Luann Howard at (208) 983-0310 or (208) 553-0395


Many hands are needed on our church workday: We are past due for our annual cleaning of our church building! We will do this on Saturday, September 21, (note day change from before) starting around 8:30, but you are welcome to come and help any time!! Below is a list of work we will be doing.

Work that has been identified is as follows:

  • Trim shrubs and pull weeds out of shrubs
  • Paint the trim around the doors and the roof line fascia board on the south side if the church (alley entrance) and paint some of the wood on the south side of the shed.
  • Wash windows inside and out
  • Clean down spouts and gutters.
  • Clean front porch
  • Clear sidewalks
  • Clean back entry inside and out, and basement stairs
  • Clean storage rooms throughout the church
  • Dust well in sanctuary, front entry, and other rooms if needed

UMCOM: A BIG thank you for donations of blankets and bedding! We could use more new pillows. Emily Poncin, Jane Carlson, Lenora Gregg, Cathy Vanella, Linda Johns.


Camas Prairie Food Bank: Needs now are: cake mix, canned soup (also cream of chicken), pasta, rice-a-roni, cereal, canned mushrooms. Also, any extra produce from your garden can be donated and is greatly appreciated! They had 28 families come in on Friday alone! Shelves are going empty again.

Camas Prairie Food Bank, Inc., P.O. Box 686, Grangeville, Id.  83530, Location: 411 E. North St. New phone # is 507-2365. Website is:


United Methodist Women (UMW):  The next meeting is on Wednesday, September 11, 10:00 am, in the choir room. We will be starting to plan our Annual Pie Fellowship and Bazaar, which will happen on Saturday, December 7. Be sure to keep that in mind while you do your annual canning plus any crafts, gift baskets, etc. you would donate for it. Save this date now!! All are welcome!

Annual Pie Fellowship and Bazaar:  Pie Fellowship and Christmas Bazaar is on Saturday, December 7. Be sure to save this date! In late November, we will be making our Famous Methodist Mincemeat.

Be sure to keep our bazaar in mind as you make your annual canned items. Any and all crafts are always welcomed! Any baked goods seem to be our best sellers so if you can be sure to plan on helping us.

Several of us have been planning “Gift Baskets,” something Joanie suggested. You can come up with your own idea and basket or grab a basket on the table in the Fellowship room at church. Here are some ideas to give to a start: Bath supplies, hair supplies, breakfast items, kitchen items, food of any kind such as baked goods, jams, jellies, candy, pasta, teas, etc. Or whatever you have in your home. Have fun!!

Volunteer church secretary will need additional help from Dec. to April, for the following:

  1. To check emails several times a week.
  2. To put together a monthly newsletter. Call or email the Food Bank and Ad Council for info for this.  When complete, email copies and make hard copies for the 2 churches and the gift bags. Also, send by snail mail 50 or so copies each month, and post the newsletter on the website. (Rose can help create this.)
  3. When needed, print more prayer requests cards and place them in the pews.
  4. When needed, order background checks for our volunteers.

Notes from the Historian Hound: “The Circuit Rider” The Circuit Rider – Pastors who would ride a horse or buck board from one church to another.

Awaiting Conference of the United Methodist was held in 1968, and all of the previous divisions became the Methodist church again. A few years later the United Brethren congregations also joined the Methodist church and became the United Methodist church.

Jun 1, 1959

There was discussion about the church building expansion, the matter was talked for the time being the memorial service March 15, 1995 for Dr. Harry E. Kale


Edward M. Brainard, Grangeville, Idaho                                                                                           May 13, 1959

Dear friends:

It would be pleasant to dream of a church which needed no money to pay for heating fuel, ministerial services, building maintenance, or any other expenses which, year after year, seem to grow increasingly burdensome. That is only a dream, however, because the Official Board and Annual Church Conference have both given approval to a budget of more than $16,000 to operate the Community Church for the coming year.

An alternate dream to that of a church needing no funds is one in which the Every Member Canvass becomes an Every—Member-giving event. That is not such a remote dream, and on Sunday we have the opportunity to make it come true.

Giving to the church is much like prayer….it’s a completely personal, private matter for many of us. Some people resent being called on during the Every Member Canvass, and being asked for a pledge to the church. To spare you this, we invite you to bring your pledge to church next Sunday, May 17, Loyalty Sunday, and dedicate it, and yourself to greater service. This is the best way to make your pledge. If you cannot be in church Sunday, drop your pledge card in the mail right sway, and we will not need to call on you.

Sincerely, /S/ E. M. Brainard, Edward M; Brainard, Chairman, Every Member Canvass

By Dave Hammond, History Hound

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